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Top : Facilitation:

Free facilitation articles for group facilitating

  • Facilitating Conflict-Laden Issues: An Important Extension Faculty Role

    By Fielding E. Cooley - Increasingly, Extension educators across the country are being asked to facilitate conflict-laden public issues. Many Extension educators, however, feel there is minimal encouragement and incentive for this educational activity. The author argues that facilitation of this type is not viewed from the proper educational paradigm and this is what creates difficulty in providing recognition for this important work. An argument is made for establishing performance evaluation guidelines that encourage and reward more than the traditional land grant university research and teaching paradigms. (Added: 10-Aug-2012 Hits: 713 )
  • What, How, and Why Facilitate Disputes? Facilitation.

    By Stephen R. Marsh - This is a bare bones introduction to the concept of facilitation as it relates to a private dispute resolution center. The purpose of this essay is to provide the reader a general scope in which to understand specific facilitation initiatives that he or she may consider providing. (Added: 27-Sep-2006 Hits: 1109 )
  • Target characteristics for facilitator

    By Michael Wilkinson - Now that we have contracted with your firm to do facilitation training, how do we go about finding facilitator candidates? What traits should we be seeking? Is there a set of target characteristics for trainees (Added: 2-Jun-2001 Hits: 698 )
  • The Power of Introductions

    By Susan Parks - As all facilitators know, one of the most critical factors to successful sessions is open, candid discussion by all participants. Yet this type of discussion is often difficult to achieve. There are several barriers: participants may not work together or know each other, there may not be a level of trust or knowledge of individual expertise, or participants may have a one-dimensional view of each other. (Added: 2-Jun-2001 Hits: 647 )
  • Facilitating a Mission Statement

    By Frank Prince - Mission statements for organizations have become more and more popular in the past five to ten years. Mission statements have moved from a business fad to a sustained trend in the 90's. They are now a standard form of management by objective and can help executive and employees reach company goals. At best, such statements can get people charged up about their work (Added: 2-Jun-2001 Hits: 727 )
  • Facilitation And Its Different Meanings

    By Brad Spangler - Facilitation has different meanings depending on context, whether its within some form of dispute resolution or just to make easier group discussions. This article provides a nice overview, plus explains the advantages. (Added: 4-Feb-2015 Hits: 504 )
  • Facilitating Success

    By Wayne Parker - The approach recommended here, choice-creating, is richer than what is normally meant by decision-making, problem-solving, or even "Creative Problem Solving." Using choice-creating, not only can we solve impossible to solve issues, but we also introduce the possibility of transforming our feelings about such problems. (Added: 17-Apr-2006 Hits: 788 )
  • The habits of an effective facilitator

    By Susan Nurre - Facilitated workshops are becoming an increasingly important part of the way America works. Through these workshops, we can harness the creative powers of a group of people and, if we go about it in the right way, unleash their collective creativity toward innovative work solutions. (Added: 2-Jun-2001 Hits: 772 )
  • What,How, and Why Facilitate? Facilitation.

    By na - This is a bare bones introduction to the concept of Facilitation as it relates to a private dispute resolution center. The purpose of this essay is to provide the reader a general scope in which to understand specific facilitation initiatives that he or she may consider providing. Includes: # Introduction -- What is Facilitation? What Facilitation is not. Which Conflicts need Facilitation? How Facilitation Initiatives are Conducted. Conclusion. (Added: 14-Dec-2006 Hits: 1264 )
  • Strategic Questioning

    By Fran Peavey - When I first went to India I used strategic questioning. I began by building a series of questions, starting with how the people saw the problem themselves. What do you see when you look at the river? How do you explain the situation with the river to your children? (Added: 4-Nov-2002 Hits: 917 )
  • Facilitating and Working With Group Conflict

    By University of Maine - A good article on helping groups work with their conflicts, includes a process to follow, plus a brief list of roles facilitators can play to help the group (Added: 10-Aug-2012 Hits: 639 )
  • Strategic Questioning

    By Fran Peavey - When I first went to India I used strategic questioning. I began by building a series of questions, starting with how the people saw the problem themselves. What do you see when you look at the river? How do you explain the situation with the river to your children? (Added: 17-Apr-2006 Hits: 889 )

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