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Anger Management : Anger in the workplace is increasing. Are you surprised to read this statement? This categories offers you methods of managing your anger at your workplace. You can learn 10 methods of detaching yourself from negative emotions so that you can control and manage your anger. We have also included an article devoted to anger management skills essentials. And read how your emotional intelligence plays a huge part in how you manage your anger.

Mini-Guide And Suggestions For Using Self Talk For Anger Management

The following are from "Using Self-Talk For Managing Your Anger Learnbytes Helpcard" (it's sometimes available for free so check).

Modifying your self-talk involves a long term commitment that you must act on every day. It takes time and dedication. It can take many months to succeed at eliminating anger provoking thoughts. It’s day-by-day and little-by-little.

  • The first and most important step is to become more and more aware of the “talk in your head”. Start listening to your inner voices. When you start listening, you’ll be amazed at how much of what’s going on in there isn’t all that healthy for you. Don’t be dismayed. We ALL do that. Bottom line: Start paying attention to it.
  • Start taking responsibility for your angry feelings. They belong to you, and only you can change them. Every morning and evening, remind yourself that “I don’t have to be a slave to others, and I won’t let other people “make” me angry. I can control my own reactions and I REFUSE to allow anyone to control my emotions”
  • When you are calm, identify your trigger situations. They are the situations and behaviors of others that tend to be associated with your angry reactions. An example: “When someone turns their back on me”, or “When someone seems patronizing”. We all have lots of these.
  • For each of these situations, write out a few positive self-talk statements to repeat when these situations occur. What you are doing is planning out alternate ways to respond to these tough situations. Also, it can help to write down some things to DO when faced with situations difficult for you. For example, you may find it useful to politely withdraw from a situation which is anger provoking, at least temporarily.
  • Consider journalizing your anger episodes. At the end of each day, think back and record the instances when you began feeling angry. Describe a) the situation, b) the thoughts you had (negative self-talk), and most importantly write down alternative self-talk. You’ll be amazed at how this, on its own, can help. Record at night, review each morning.
  • Angry feelings and responses sometimes seem to happen so automatically and quickly that it feels you have no control. That’s an illusion. But, what you must do is slow yourself down when you feel any angry feelings. Your first angry responses are most likely to increase your angry feelings, and of course, they cause others to increase their angry reactions. Get into the habit of thinking before speaking, and intentionally keeping quiet until your thinking brain has time to catch up with your angry brain. So it’s slow down to think, and use self-talk to reduce your angry responses. If it helps count to three, or five before saying or doing anything to give your thinking brain a chance to do it’s work.
  • Challenge your self-talk as it happens. It may sound odd, but you can have discussion with yourself in your head. When you notice angry-making self-talk, ask yourself this question: “Is that REALLY true?” and “Am I exaggerating this?” Almost always the answer is yes. Try pretending there are two people in your head: the emotional child, and the mature rational adult. Let the adult have a say.
  • Having a sounding board is very important. A sounding board is a person who is not “on your side” or, for that matter on any side. His/her job is to let you bounce your self-talk off them, out loud, and help you evaluate whether that self-talk is accurate or exaggerate. It’s very important to have someone who will help you see if there are errors in your thinking, and not someone who will support you “right or wrong”.
  • Use this super self-talk statement every day. Say to yourself: The person I am harming most with my anger is myself. It is me and only me that pays the price in terms of my health, my success at work, and my personal relationships, and I’m not going to victimize myself today.

Now Commit! NOW! Re-read this card and write down your commitment to changing your reactions, and PLAN . Follow it each day.


More Techniques For Improving Your Anger Management Skills

  • Anger Management For Parents

    By n a - Here's some tips for parents who need to manage their anger. Mind, body, and spirit are addressed to help parents gain emotional control. (Added: 2-Dec-2008 Hits: 1475 )
  • Children and Anger: A National Tragedy - Helping Children Manage Strong Emotional Reactions Tips for Parents

    By NASP - All Americans have been emotionally and psychologically affected by the terrorist attacks on our country. A tragedy of this magnitude is difficult to understand and can cause strong and deeply felt reactions in adults and children. How adults express their emotions will influence the reactions of children and youth. Parents and teachers can help youngsters manage their feelings both by modeling healthy coping strategies themselves and closely monitoring their own emotional state and that of the children in their care. (Added: 2-Jan-2004 Hits: 943 )
  • !Using Self-Talk To Manage Your Anger Helpcard

    By Robert Bacal - Helpcard teaches you the basic elements of self-talk management to reduce the intensity, duration and frequency of your angry feelings and behavior. Based on the work of a number of psychologists, this card explains what self talk is, and provides some suggestions about how to go about reducing your anger by altering what you say to yourself in difficult situations. Many of these techniques are used in cognitive behavior modification therapy. FREE PREVIEW, Instant download. (Added: 16-Aug-2002 Hits: 638 )
  • How To Handle Your Anger At Your Child

    By Dr. Laura Markham - Your children learn to handle their anger by watching how you handle your anger when you are upset with them. Good article on anger management when it comes to your child. (Added: 17-Aug-2012 Hits: 1220 )
  • Controlling Anger Before Anger Controls You

    By APA - Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems%u2014problems at work, in your personal relationships, and in the overall quality of your life. And it can make you feel as though you're at the mercy of an unpredictable and powerful emotion. This brochure is meant to help you understand and control anger. (Added: 14-Feb-2001 Hits: 595 )
  • Controlling Anger Before it Controls You

    By n a - The American Psychological Association provides some ideas for keeping your anger at bay and can help you determine if you need professional counseling. (Added: 31-Oct-2008 Hits: 1703 )
  • Anger - What It Is, What It Can Do, and How to Manage It

    By Dawn Rosenberg McKay - This article describes anger and what affects it has on you and those around you. You will learn how to manage your anger and the reasons for doing so. You'll also get some tips for managing the anger of others. (Added: 14-Feb-2006 Hits: 1366 )
  • Anger Management - Self-Management Techniques

    By na - Some anger issues require professional help, but it's possible, with minor anger challenges, to learn a few basic self management techniques to help you keep your angry behavior in check. Here's some basics you can work on. (Added: 12-Nov-2015 Hits: 788 )
  • Anger Management

    By Edward Chalmers - If you cannot tell if you have anger management issues at work, this article can help you decide with its list of questions for you to answer. Also, learn what type of anger-reactor you are: a yeller or a seether. Learn how you can control your anger in the workplace. (Added: 16-May-2006 Hits: 3411 )
  • Anger Management At Work

    By Armando Gomez - You're running late for a deadline and your co-worker starts cracking "mama" jokes. He's a good friend of yours, but right then and there, you just want to scream and tell him to get lost in the photocopying room. But you know better, and blowing up at him is surely not your best option. So what do you do? Swear at him in Esperanto? Punch a piata while pretending it's him? Slash his tires? (Added: 24-May-2005 Hits: 1285 )
  • Calm Yourself with Encouraging Statements

    By Bill Eddy - Excellent techniques to stay calm under pressure and handle your negative emotions. Based on the use of self-talk -- and that what you say to yourself determines your emotional reactions. (Added: 27-Nov-2014 Hits: 592 )
  • I'm Getting Really Torqued - Managing Anger Advice

    By Gene Simmons - A lighter but no less useful article on the process of managing anger. Cooling off your anger is often a first step in dealing with conflict more effectively, since an angry person usually does things that throw gasoline on the fire of conflict. (Added: 8-Oct-2005 Hits: 1060 )
  • I'm Getting Really Torqued - Managing Anger Advice

    By Gene Simmons - A lighter but no less useful article on the process of managing anger. Cooling off your anger is often a first step in dealing with conflict more effectively, since an angry person usually does things that throw gasoline on the fire of conflict. (Added: 6-Apr-2005 Hits: 991 )

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